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Pulmonary Rehabilitation

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Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy & Wellness

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an individualized outpatient program of exercise and education that helps you manage your breathing problem, increase your stamina (energy) and decrease your breathlessness. The education part of the program teaches you to be “in charge” of your breathing instead of your breathing being in charge of you. Your family practice provider or pulmonologist will make a referral to our program on your behalf. You will have a 60 to 90 minute first session for comprehensive intake, exercise assessment and set personal goals. Group sessions from 1 to 6 participates that are 60 minutes in length and meet every Tuesday and Thursday.

Jackson County Regional Health Center’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation program is found within Physical Therapy and Wellness Services. We have an interdisciplinary approach to the treatment and care led by a Registered Nurse. Our emphasis is on monitored exercise, energy pacing and continued education specific to your disease process. Each participant will have 1:1 evaluation and assessment to set up a specific and individualized exercise program, allowing for the achievement for maximum benefits of exercise. Some commonly diagnoses sent to Pulmonary Rehabilitation are as follows: Asthma, COPD, Chronic Bronchitis, Lung Cancer, Lung transplant, Covid-19 recovery and other lung related conditions.